PD Meters and Accessories


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What is the proper method for adjusting the calibrator in my PD meter?

If you are using a PD meter with a manual readout, in order to maintain the highest degree of accuracy, you need to adjust the meter's output so the manual readout is correct. After completing the proving, use the following formula to calculate the adjustment:
If the result is positive (+), adjust the calibrator by XX clicks clockwise. If the result is negative (-), adjust the calibrator by XX clicks counter-clockwise.

Hint: When adjusting the calibrator, always turn the adjusting stem 2 additional clicks past the adjustment from the formula above, then 2 clicks back to the desired setting.

Is it possible to reverse the flow direction on a Smith PD meter?
Yes, but there are some limitations. To reverse the flow, you remove the drive gear from the jackshaft, remove the idler gear from the idler shaft and install the idler gear on jackshaft. After doing this, put the original jackshaft gear on the idler gear shaft to keep it from becoming lost. Now you can flow in the reverse direction, but still maintain the standard counter-clockwise rotation of the output shaft.

There are some limitations to this procedure. This procedure is only applicable to meters in which the jackshaft gear and the bottom idler gear have the same number of teeth. If the number of teeth are different, after the change, your gearing percentage will be incorrect. There are other procedures and limitations for different types of meters and other geartrains. For further information, contact us.